Gen 26: Chapter 14
Book of Genesis #26
This chapter exhibits an unparalleled concentration of unique or rare features of all kinds.
First biblical report of warfare.
Abram as a remarkable military chief and hero
He is given the epithet "The Hebrew"
He comes into contact with a Canaanite priest
Two uncommon divine titles are used here: God Most High and Creator of heaven and earth. The latter never reappears in the OT. It appears in the NT.
The contrast between the anonymity of the Pharaoh in 13 and the rich list of names of kings here is striking.
The list of the eastern kings is presented in strict alphabetical order while the name of the Canaanite Kings are arranged in two pairs: Bera-Birsha and Shinab-Shember.
The name "Abram" occurs seven times
Each of Melchizedek's two blessings contains seven words.
Excluding proper names, 11% of the words in this chapter never occur or rarely so in the rest of the OT.
Even though this chapter was written to render an account of Abram's saving Lot, the first 11 verses have nothing to do with Abram and his family and could have been avoided if the usual austere narrative style had been used.
Book of Genesis #26
Chapter 14 exhibits an unparalleled concentration of unique or rare features of all kinds.
- First biblical report of warfare.
- Abram as a remarkable military chief and hero
- He is given the epithet "The Hebrew"
- He comes into contact with a Canaanite priest
- Two uncommon divine titles are used here: God Most High and Creator of heaven and earth. The latter never reappears in the OT. It appears in the NT.
- The contrast between the anonymity of the Pharaoh in 13 and the rich list of names of kings here is striking.
- The list of the eastern kings is presented in strict alphabetical order while the names of the Canaanite Kings are arranged in two pairs: Bera-Birsha and Shinab-Shember.
- The name "Abram" occurs seven times
- Each of Melchizedek's two blessings contains seven words.
- Excluding proper names, 11% of the words in this chapter never occur or rarely so in the rest of the OT.
Even though this chapter was written to render an account of Abram's saving Lot, the first 11 verses have nothing to do with Abram and his family and could have been avoided if the usual austere narrative style had been used.