All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 in total

Gen 1: The Big Bang

Book of Genesis #1 How did the Universe come to be and is there a contradiction between the Standard Cosmological Model and Scripture? In this lecture, we explore an...

Gen 2: Relativity Theory

The Book of Genesis #2 Underpinning the Standard Cosmology Model is Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Often misunderstood and maligned by those who think that the purp...

Gen 3: Quantum Mechanics

The Book of Genesis #3 If there is anything in the domain of science that causes our heads to spin it is indeed Quantum Theory. While the Theory of Relativity is conc...

Gen 4: Theory of Evolution

Book of Genesis #4 When Darwin put forth his theory of evolution he had an inkling that it may be found controversial. Little did he expect that his scientific studie...

Gen 5: Creationism

Book of Genesis #5 Whether men of science ignored or neglected to control the pseudo-scientific statements in newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV or whether men of f...

Gen 6: Overview of the Book of Genesis

Book of Genesis #6 We begin our scriptural study of the Book of Genesis by taking a broad view of the purpose and content of this sacred book. Who was it written for?...

Gen 7: Chap 1, vv 1-13

Book of Genesis #7 What is then the theological and moral purpose of the account of Creation? In this lecture we focus on the initial three days, that is from verse o...

Gen 8: the next three days

Book of Genesis #8Why does the Narrator prescinds from the natural order and recounts the creation of the sun, moon, and stars after the creation of the vegetative lif...

Gen 9: Chapter 1, verses 26 and 27

Book of Genesis #9 Verses 26 and 27 of the first chapter of Genesis read as follows: 26. Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let the...

Gen 10: The Blessing of Man

Book of Genesis #10 Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash Verse 28 of the first chapter of Genesis begins with these words: "And God blessed them..." What does it mea...

Gen 11: Chapter 2, vv 1-14

Book of Genesis #11 Verses 1 through 14 of Chapter 2 recounts the creation of Eden. They provide a second account of the creation of man and describe his initial dwel...

Gen: 12: Chapter 2, vv 15-24

Book of Genesis #12 Verses 15 through 24 of Chapter 2 provides us with a second account of the creation of man and woman; an account focusing on relationships and int...

Gen 13: Chapter 3, vv 1-7

Book of Genesis #13 The Fall remains a mystery. The account of the fall given in verses 3:1 through 3:7 is terse and to the point, yet it is deep in meaning and need...

Gen 14: Chapter 3, vv 8-24

Book of Genesis #14 What a pitiful sight this must have been: the man and the woman hiding away from God. The remainder of Chapter 3 from verses 8 through 24 present...

Gen 15: Early Days of Exile

Book of Genesis #15 Adam and Eve have been sent away from the Garden. The Cherubim and the Sword guard the gates so that they can never come back. Chapter 4 is the ...

Gen 16: Cain Kills his brother

Book of Genesis #16 How do we explain the murder of Abel by Cain? Did Cain truly kill his brother because his sacrifice was not accepted and Abel's sacrifice was acc...

Gen 17: Chapter 4 v 17 and following

Book of Genesis #17 Beginning with verse 17 and covering the rest of Chapter 4 is the civilization that issues forth from Cain. One of the key rules derived from the ...

Gen 18: Chapter 5

Book of Genesis # 18 This lecture covers Chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis describing the line of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve mentioned by name. This line is t...

Gen 19: The Flood -- The Decree

Book of Genesis #19 This study gives an overview of the entire flood drama and focuses on Chapter 6 verses 1 through 9. Chapters 6 through 9 describe a ten parts dram...

Gen 20: The Flood -- Chapters 7 thru 9

Book of Genesis #20 In this study, we focus on select parts of chapter 7 through the beginning of chapter 9 and we consider the following questions: Was the deluge a...

Gen 21: The Flood -- Part III

Book of Genesis #21 Noah has a grand-son. His name is Canaan. Presumably, Noah has more than one grand-son but Canaan is mentioned because he plays an important role ...

Gen 22: Chapter 10

Book of Genesis #22 Chapter 10 introduces the Table of Nations, a document unparalleled in the ancient world. It affirms that all men are members of the same family a...

Gen 23: Chapter 11

Book of Genesis #23 Like the Table of Nations that we studied in the previous talk (Genesis 10: The Table of Nations), Chapter 11 has no parallel in Mesopotamian lite...

Gen 24: Chapter 12

Book of Genesis #24 How do you leave what you know and love and move on to a place you know nothing about? "Go to a place I shall show you..." Abram (the former nam...

Gen 25: Chapter 13

Book of Genesis #25 At last, Abraham leaves Egypt with Sarah and goes back to the Promised Land. St. Ambrose tells us that Sarah represents virtue, so that, even thou...

Gen 26: Chapter 14

Book of Genesis #26 This chapter exhibits an unparalleled concentration of unique or rare features of all kinds. First biblical report of warfare. Abram as a...

Gen 27: Chapter 15

Book of Genesis #27 Throughout Hebrew literature, the central narrative of this chapter is known by the name ha-berit bein ha-betarim, "The covenant between the piece...

Gen 28: Chapter 16

Book of Genesis #28 God had promised Abram and Sarai a son. Just as he has promised to take care of our family's needs. But Sarai and Abram grew impatient or perhap...

Gen 29: Chapter 17

Book of Genesis #29 This is part one of the study on the Abrahamic covenant. This talk delves into the covenant God will institute with Abram with the annunciation of...

Gen 30: Chapter 17 continued

Book of Genesis #30 This is part two of the study on the Abrahamic covenant. We delve into the covenant God will institute with Abram with the annunciation of the bi...

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