Gen 31: Chapter 18
Book of Genesis #31
In between the promise made of the coming child and his birth a dramatic event is inserted: the visitation of the Lord to Abraham by the Oak of Mamre and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra.
This arrangement may seem strange at first because the narrative expands from the hopes of a couple to have a second unhoped-for child to geo-political events involving two centers of economic powers, two exuberant cities not unlike say LA or San Francisco.
Why are these two stories interweaved into a single narrative?
The answer will be found in the decrees of the Covenant. Whosoever opposes God's covenant and becomes a hindrance to its execution is removed. This was true of Sodom and Gomorra, of Nineveh, Babylon, and even Jerusalem. The first forty chapters of Isaiah are littered with the ruins of cities and kingdoms who opposed the Covenant of God and as a result disappeared or shrunk into insignificance.
Many today claim the death of the Catholic Church.
Yet, the Catholic Church always buries her undertakers...