Gen 39: Chapter 26
Book of Genesis #39
Very little is said about Isaac just as very little is said about St. Joseph, the greatest of all saints after Our Lady.
Isaac is the only one who did not go down to Egypt because of the famine. God intervened and told him to stay in the Promised Land.
In effect, Isaac is the only patriarch to be born, to have lived, and died in the Promised Land.
In this talk, we walk with him and learn from this holy man how he deals with difficulties and trials and how through all his troubles God blesses him.
Lest we be tempted to think this was solely due to him, we would do well to recall the very first chapters of Genesis when Adam and Eve lived in the garden as husband and wife in the blessed obedience of God. It is the union between Isaac and Rebekah that brings an abundance of blessing on them.
Would you want any other type of marriage?