Gen 49: Chapter 36
Book of Genesis #49
The Book of Genesis is also known as the Book of Generations due to the various genealogies it contains. This chapter is one such list dealing with Esau's offspring.
Esau is the older brother of Jacob, the one who forsook his blessing for a bowl of lentil but since he is the son of Isaac, the heir to the Covenant after Abraham the blessings of the Covenant will reach him to the degree that he can appreciate them.
These blessings are not spiritual but temporal and material.
So it is with many of us who long for success, riches and power.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added onto thee
This saying from the Gospel of Matthew 6:33 means that we must seek to live according to the Covenant that regulates the Kingdom of God for to seek the Kingdom is to abide by its laws.
Those who are of this earth will be accounted for in the books of the Lord but not in the Book of Life. This chapter of Scripture is a constant reminder that unless we seek the Kingdom of God first our line will end abruptly in the here and now.