Gen 52: Chapter 39

Book of Genesis #52 God threw Joseph in a Pit to teach him a lesson in humility. Determining that this was not enough, he sells him into slavery. He lands in a powerful house and has a good master who entrusts him with everything except his wife of course. So what is Joseph doing in that house alone with her? She entreats him the first time and he resists, which is very good. Why does he stay? Why can't he tell his master: "I am distracted from my work while in the house, bid me build a small side-office where I shall be more productive"? His master trusted him. He would have agreed, presumably. The point is simple: if you are in a situation of near occasion of sin and you stay are you not responsible? Joseph had still a deep well of vanity that needed to be emptied. Back in the Pit, he went. What about you? Are you in a Pit or are you absorbed by vain occupations?

Book of Genesis #52

God threw Joseph in a Pit to teach him a lesson in humility.

Determining that this was not enough, he sells him into slavery.

He lands in a powerful house and has a good master who entrusts him with everything except his wife of course.

So what is Joseph doing in that house alone with her?

She entreats him the first time and he resists, which is very good.

Why does he stay?

Why can't he tell his master: "I am distracted from my work while in the house, bid me build a small side-office where I shall be more productive"?

His master trusted him. He would have agreed, presumably.

The point is simple: if you are in a situation of near occasion of sin and you stay are you not responsible?

Joseph had still a deep well of vanity that needed to be emptied.

Back in the Pit, he went.

What about you?

Are you in a Pit or are you absorbed by vain occupations? 

Gen 52: Chapter 39
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